Suchergebnisse für: 'help the queen'
Helena: help the queen
Maybe the queen is weak or sick and is not producing enough pheromones. Normally that happens when the competition point is reached; new males and females are being produced and the workers are not willing to work so hard anymore. weiterlesen Helena: help the queen
gil bonnez: help the queen
The year before i have remove some workers and i had a lot of queens.the workers have produce al so to a lot of drones after the queen has died from oldnes this year i don’t have kill or remove weiterlesen gil bonnez: help the queen
Helena: help the queen
Hey Gil you wrote in your first post: *** I will help the queen look in the nest and searsh workers that lay eggs or attack the queen then kill the workers that are agression to the queen There are weiterlesen Helena: help the queen
gil bonnez: help the queen
Helena: you are making this verry bad i don’t kill al the workers or put them away .You don’t have to say that I must stop keeping bumblebees because i want that my nest’s are sucsesfull i put so mutch weiterlesen gil bonnez: help the queen
Helena: help the queen
This is not an emergency, this is nature. So please STOP to kill them or even put them out of the nest. As I said this is illegal if these animals are protected in your country. Read Christian’s comment, it weiterlesen Helena: help the queen
gil bonnez: help the queen
Okay aim wrong but if the workers attack to fast the queen then you can remove them and let them 5 km farther free without killing them.If the queen has died from to old then its okay .of if the weiterlesen gil bonnez: help the queen
Christian: help the queen
I think it is necessary for the Gen pool, that also the workers can lay eggs. 50% from their DNS Information is not from the Queen. So, gil, when you will help the bumble bees, let the workers lay their weiterlesen Christian: help the queen
Helena: help the queen
Gil in my opinion is it not a good idea to kill workers just because they’re attacking the queen or so! This is the nature; bumble bees are protected species (i hope so in your country too) so this is weiterlesen Helena: help the queen
Fienchen: help the queen
at gil: As a beginner truae I to me not to. Unfortunately! There I probably leave to the nature her run. @ Helena: ja das Lüftungsloch ist recht groß und für Schatten ist den ganzen Tag gesorgt. Also hoffen, hoffen, weiterlesen Fienchen: help the queen
gil bonnez: help the queen
I will help the queen look in the nest and searsh workers that lay eggs or attack the queen then kill the workers that are agression to the queen There are not so mutch workers that lay eggs maybe 2 weiterlesen gil bonnez: help the queen